APC Calculator – 2023 Formula

Have you ever wanted to know how much you should be spending on household items like groceries, rent, and utilities?

The APC Calculator, or propensity to consume calculator, can help you figure out the answer. This handy tool uses a variety of different factors to calculate how much money you can afford to spend on necessities without going into debt.

APC Calculator

APC Calculator

How Does the APC Calculator Work?

The APC calculator works by taking into details your income, expenses, debts, assets, and other financial information that’s related to your day-to-day life.

It then uses this data to determine a recommended monthly spending limit.

This limit is based on the amount of money you have left over after paying all of your bills and other expenses each month.

Knowing this number can make budgeting a lot easier because it gives you an idea of how much money you have available for household items like food and utilities.

APC Formula :

Here are the formula I used on my APC calculator :

APC = Total Consumption / Disposable Income

Or APC=Y/C​,


  • APCAPC – Average propensity to consume;
  • C – Total consumption; and
  • Y – Disposable income.

Example :

Let’s say you have an annual disposable income of $80,000 and your total consumption for the year is $40,000. To calculate your APC, we use the formula:

APC = Total Consumption / Disposable Income

APC = $40,000 / $80,000 APC = 0.5

So, your average propensity to consume is 0.5, which means you spend 50% of your disposable income on goods and services.

Now, let’s calculate the marginal propensity to consume. If your income increases by $10,000 and your consumption increases by $6,000, we can use the formula:

MPC = ΔConsumption / ΔIncome

MPC = $6,000 / $10,000 MPC = 0.6

So, your marginal propensity to consume is 0.6, which means that for every $1 increase in income, your consumption increases by $0.6.

By using the APC and MPC calculators, you can have a better understanding of your spending habits and make informed decisions about your finances.

So there you have it. Hope you understand the process.